搜索 Owain

  • In 2006 the UK Minster of Defence announced the deployment of British Troops to Helmand Province, Afghanistan, saying: 'We would be happy to leave Afghanistan without firing a single shot'. 'The Patrol' features a British Army Operational Mentor and Liaison Team supporting this NATO led operation. As the scale of the T…
  • 廿四岁的卡拉·佐-艾尔是超人的表姊,同样出身氪星的她从十三岁起被丹弗斯一家收养。她本已习惯隐藏自己的能力,隐身在人类社会不起眼的角落;直至与其身世密切相关的邪恶势力现身地球,危及卡拉的至亲和全城的普通民众……