- arole King, George Lucas, Rita Moreno, Cicely Tyson and Seiji Ozawa are the honorees at the 38th annual celebration hosted by Stephen Colbert. Performers include: James Taylor; Janelle Monáe; Miranda Lambert; Yo-Yo Ma; CeCe Winans; Sara Bareilles; Aretha Franklin. Appearing: Steven Spielberg; Martin Scorsese; Lin-Manue…
- No-one has done more for the cello than Mstislav Rostropovich, or Slava as he was widely known. As well as being arguably the greatest cellist of the twentieth century, he expanded and enriched the cello repertoire by the sheer force of his artistry and his personality and composers lined up to write works for him.In t…
- 在杳无人迹的包子山中,生活着一个无忧无虑、天真纯洁的男孩,名叫孙悟空。他自幼和爷爷孙悟饭相依为命,并习得一身武功。某天,他遭遇来自大城市的时尚女孩布玛。布玛正在四处寻找龙珠,传说将7颗龙珠凑齐后便可召唤出身龙,继而实现心中的愿望。在布玛的怂恿下,小悟空随其走出深山,一路上遭遇了乌龙、乐平、普尔、龟仙人等伙伴。与此同时,…
- 日本製作のオリジナルビデオ。ここは俺のシマ、てめえらの好き勝手は許さねえ! ヤクザ映画界を代表する俳優・小沢仁志が、捜査四課マルボーの刑事を演じるアクションドラマ第3弾。OZAWA名義で、小沢仁志が監督も務めている。課長殺害の容疑で逮捕された熊田(小沢仁志)。課長の体内から摘出された弾と熊田の銃の弾とが一致、状況はますます不…