搜索 Papas

  • Young women join a Satanic cult surrendering their will and bodies entirely to the Devil himself. Years later when they're older women, Carlotta, starts to lose control of her 13 year old daughter Daria, who starts to develop strong powers of her own, aware of her powers and with extreme devotion to The Devil she start…
  • 电影悬疑
  • 这是上个世纪的关于虚构的二战纳粹的磨坊x级片之一。一个美丽、邪恶的高级党卫军女军官(同时也是个女博士)创造了一个基因突变的人型野兽。这头猛兽是一个贪婪、矮胖、像野蛮人一样的性恶魔,在纳粹的帮助下,她用它来折磨和骚扰女囚犯,这只恐怖的猛兽被喂食了大量壮阳药。在这部纳粹 题材 的剥削片中有很多虐待狂哲磨、血腥和裸露的镜头。文…
  • 4minAt the Eiffel Tower, a beautiful young woman catches the eye of the brutish Raspodun. He exclaims that he loves her and will prove it by using his strength to topple the tower. This alarms a group of bystanders, who engage in a pushing contest with him. Meanwhile, a dashing gentleman wins the girl's affection with …
  • 电影历史
    ◎简  介 (from VeryCD)故事背景发生在二战结束后,联合国就巴勒斯坦分治问题以投票方式决议:英国于1948年8月1日结束在巴勒斯坦的委任统治,两个月后,在巴勒斯坦的土地上建立两个国家,阿拉伯国和犹太国。但是5个阿拉伯联盟国家不同意,在以色列建国次日就发动了对犹太人的战争。电影以犹太人Bobby Goldman和穆斯林Sa?d两个年轻人为主…
  • 在奥利维拉那部美得让人心颤的杰作《聚会》中,那些内心欲望和禁忌交织的男男女女聚集在一个岛上,其间一男一女伫立在海边的礁岩上,下面是激荡的海浪,内心是激荡的欲望,女人看着一汪在岩石上凿出的泳池说:“看看这个游泳池。是在岩石上挖成的。这是我丈夫的母亲送给她儿子的礼物。在我看来,它象征着女人的子宫。”而男人只是回答:“我对种…
  • Unbeknownst to the 19th-century Greek "primitive" painter Theofilos, other painters around the world at the time were also exploring non-academic subjects, focusing on the everyday lives of ordinary persons. In the U.S., the group of painters who chose such subjects were dubbed "the Ashcan school." …
  • 希腊殿堂级作家Giorgios Vizyenos自传式小说改编。Vizyenos爱恋十二岁女孩,不顾家人反对要娶她为妻,结果被迫在疯人院度余生,却写下不少佳作。故事从疯人院展开,他回忆儿时日子,爷爷讲了许多浪迹天涯的有趣故事,长大后发现爷爷从未踏出乡土半步,所有故事其实凭空想像天花乱坠。爷爷投射故事里的爱念与恐惧,梦想与失落,全在孙儿身上活了…