搜索 Pareño

  • The movie chronicles three days in the life of Amelita, a kubrador (bookie) for the illegal numbers game jueteng. She continues to collect bets from her regular patrons every day despite a government crackdown on the game. One day, she is apprehended by the police. She joins other kubradors in the police station until …
  • 《Ploning》是一部设定在1982年的田园诗般的影片,片名“Ploning”是片中女主角的名字。男主人公经历多年非法捕鱼的海上生活后回到了美丽的库约岛,寻找儿时迷恋的女人,结果发现她和自己记忆中的并不一样。这部描写小岛生活的影片节奏舒缓,由菲律宾明星朱迪·安·桑托斯(Judy "Juday" Ann Santos)主演,是Panoram…