搜索 PaulSchneider

  • 卡特最近运气相当不好,在最近的一年里他不仅单身、失业,而且还变得无家可归。为了把自己破碎的生活拉回正轨,他决定去追回自己的前女友凯莉,距离他们分手,现在已经过去11个月了,但是在卡特心中,追回前女友是改变他目前生活的关键。尽管凯莉已经换了手机号,断了之前的所有联系,可是卡特依旧决定开启一次伦敦的冒险之旅,穿越整个伦敦去寻…
  • 劳里家庭收养了一头可爱而聪明的流浪金毛寻回犬, 这头叫‘飞行员’ 的母狗更让他们带来意外的惊喜,原来它怀孕了。劳里家的孩子为六头可爱的小狗寻求新家庭,可一切都被飞行员破坏了,它决心要让一家团聚。找寻小狗是一个令人高兴的冒险历程,它最后让劳里一家明白到家庭的真正意义。
  • Jane Morgan gives birth to her baby at the hospital. When she wakes up the next morning, the hospital tells her, that her son died at birth. However from ultrasound reading she had before, she knew she was having a girl. Now the hospital is stone-walling her, saying she is just in denial, due to her loss. Now she is tr…