搜索 PedroHernández
共找到“3”个结果Late sixteenth century. A Tameme Indian man and a noble Spanish woman flee through the forests of the New World in search of freedom. Their frantic journey softens the tension between them and dissolves their longstanding differences and creates intimate bonds that threaten their very survival.
隨著丈夫的去世和她兒子不在身旁,老婦人已經失去了對生活的樂趣,直到她重新獲得希望…當一隻小豬進入她的生活。\r\n 在丈夫過世後,老婦人獨居在小鎮,與移居美國的兒子通上電話,成為每天生活唯一的動力,對習慣照顧人的她來說,生命像失去目標。\r\n 有天,一頭小豬意外闖進她的生活,她開始把小豬當成孩子照顧,三餐讓牠吃飽飽,梳毛…