搜索 Peipei

  • Lin is a college student who has a severe hearing impairment, but she has a fantastic talent for reading lip languages. She is famous in the paparazzi industry, and also she served as an "intelligence analyst" for a paparazzi company in her spare time, reading out the information from a large number of videos…
  • 一个想拍摄出恐怖纪录片的剧组在网路上发布了试镜公告,表明他们要找寻隐藏于现实生活中的骇人怪物,没想到有三个自称兽行者、吸血鬼与恶魔的报名者要前来试镜。他们相约于月全蚀之夜,在一栋森林中的偏远豪宅见面,原本只是要请对方分享自己的灵异经验,没想到竟弄假成真,变调成一场挥之不去的恐怖梦魇。