搜索 Pere

  • David Ringel(Anthony LaPaglia饰)是一名律师,受法院指派,为一些请不起律师的被告作代理辩护。很多被告是惯犯,因此进行“认罪减刑”这项法律允许的交易成为很多人的选择。Denise Moore(Rosie Perez饰)被人抢劫,并被抢劫犯毁了容。在警察局指认罪犯时,她在一排人中指认了Jessie Williams(Forest Whitaker饰)…
  • 露意絲和在一起五年的男友保羅即將迎來第一個孩子,兩人去法國度假時,保羅忽然失蹤,露意絲發現他的真實姓名叫安東尼歐,且涉嫌搶案及謀殺。警方展開調查,她的惡夢也隨之開始。
  • A typical story of Central American passion and the day to day lives of women who enjoy life, love and everything else.AMOR Y FRIJOLES is a story of two young girls who are best Friends, They both live in the Colonial town of OJOJONA in Honduras. They lead simple lives. Karen is Married to Dionisio who is a simple man …
  • Teenage Mari is sent to an orphanage. It's an awful and unfriendly place to be. But soon two rival leading boys both show up their interest against the girl. Which one should she fall in love with, the good or the bad one ? Unbelivable realistic picture of an orphanage-life in Soviet Union is given. Good acting.
  • Crime drama. One of the few films shot in Eastern Europe, affecting the subject of sexual maniacs. The main character - a lone man working truck driver, can not help but bring up a young girl whom he raped on the way. Once into his car and sat down with two schoolgirls tragedy repeated itself anew, but with a fatal out…
  • Comenzando en la tumba de una joven, la película es un largo flashback que cuenta la historia de esa joven con un par de estudiantes de medicina de manera cómica por momentos y dramática en otros. Trasunto de la personalidad múltiple de Fl…
  • 上海电影译制片厂(配音合成)1987年译制【配音】:程晓桦、杨文元、程玉珠、杨晓、王建新、尚华、戴学庐、李梓、翁振新【简介】:故事发生在里约·热内卢--巴西的大城市. 著名女歌星苏拉突遭杀害.一个爱慕虚荣、貌若苏拉的贝伦被以阿尔梅达为首的珠宝走私集团所利用.在她冒名顶替苏拉出国赴欧演出时,走私大批珠宝.她行动诡秘,引起贝伦的爱侣保罗…