搜索 Peretti

  • Amy Winehouse was one of the most talented singers of her generation, winning five Grammies.Jacques Peretti examines the life of the late singer, in a revised and updated edition of his documentary What Really Happened.
  • When Michael Jackson was acquitted of child molestation, instead of returning to his Neverland home, he disappeared, wandering the globe for two years. Writer Jacques Peretti wanted to find out why, and get to the truth of what really drove Michael Jackson to such spectacular self-destruction.
  • 《出租车, 一场遭遇》是近年来我看过的最好的阿根廷电影之一, 导演加布里拉.大卫是阿根廷老导演Mario David的儿子, 从小就开始接触电影, 79年16岁的时候就拍摄了第一部短片, 但直到十年后的89年才又导演了另一部短片作品, 又等到10年后的2001年才终于拍摄了第一部剧情长片, 这部影片与贾木许的《夜的世界》有点相似, 也是讲述一个出租车司机在…
  • 健身減肥大踢爆
    Jacques Peretti investigates the connections between obesity and weight loss, confronting some of the men making a fortune from our desire to become thinhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/tv/posts/The-Men-Who-Made-Us-ThinMaking The Men Who Made Us Thin for BBC Two has profoundly changed how I view my body.I visited Brazil wher…
  • 健身减肥大踢爆
    Jacques Peretti investigates the connections between obesity and weight loss, confronting some of the men making a fortune from our desire to become thinhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/tv/posts/The-Men-Who-Made-Us-ThinMaking The Men Who Made Us Thin for BBC Two has profoundly changed how I view my body.I visited Brazil wher…
  • 致肥元凶
    Around the world, obesity levels are rising. More people are now overweight than undernourished. Jacques Peretti traces those responsible for revolutionising our eating habits
  • 巨富与我们
    Never before has money been so polarised in Britain. The richest 85 people now own more than half the UK population. The rise of the Super Rich has meant that wealth in the UK is dividing our society at an extraordinary rate - but how and why did it happen? In this two-part series, Jacques Peretti explores how the Supe…