- The story is recalled in a first-person perspective by the geologist William Dyer, a professor at Arkham's Miskatonic University, in the hope to prevent an important and much publicized scientific expedition to Antarctica. Throughout the course of his m.77mi.cc explanation, Dyer relates how he led a group of scholars f…
- 狂躁的梦想家鲁比和胆小但聪明的霍莉·坦纳是最好的朋友,她们都是梦想名利的普通乡村女孩。当老板用解雇来奖励鲁比的时尚野心时,她们辞去了小镇上的裁缝工作,前往芝加哥,在那里她们以兔女郎的身份试镜,但现实证明比她们想象的更难、要求更高、魅力更小。兔子妈妈米兰达·曼特尔(Miranda Mantell)根据被解雇的人的过失和被表扬的人的奖励…
- 1939年,超自然力量顾问布鲁坦宏教授曾消灭了一个专以残害无辜生命并浴血而得到青春美貌的女吸血鬼娥苏倍安度修,然而此时纽约上城有人想要让这股邪恶的力量重生。教授开始著手调查此事并联合地狱怪客与其他具有超能力的成员展开对抗的计划……
- Compilation of four short films about homoerotic situations involving young men. Tom DeCerchio directed "Nunzio's Second Cousin", telling the story of a gay cop who forces a gay-basher to come to his house and moxia.cc have dinner with his family. In "Alkali, Iowa", by Mark Christopher, a young gay …
- 一个研究民间传说的教授打开了一本禁书, 被日本古代的雷电邪神占据了,邪神 一心想要回到并统治世界. 超能力研究防御局派地狱男孩和一组特工区调查这件案子, 进行过程中, 当地狱男孩拿起一把武士刀时,他进入了充满了日本传说的世界, 这个世界充满了各种各样的鬼魂和怪兽. 特工Kate Corrigan和Russell Thorne开始跟踪被控制的教授想要找到并将…