- The 'Legend of Secret Pass' takes place in the mountains of the South West and involves Thunderbirds of Indian mythology and an animal refuge of mystical proportions. An unlikely troop of animals and humans are caught up in a clash of ageless magic. In this moment of crisis, the barest chance to avoid cataclysm falls i…
- 2005年1月,导演琳恩·露森远赴雪梨歌剧院为一场名为“Came So Far For Beauty”演唱会进行拍摄,为了向李欧纳致敬,Nick Cave及多位知名艺人共同参与了这场盛大的表演,并由知名音乐制作人Hal Willner担任总监。本片可说是首次对李欧纳这位音乐界的巨擘进行零距离接触、最赤裸的深入访谈,从李欧纳的诗作、小说等作品,甚至他的绘画创作及相片…
- The Power of Nightmares explores how the idea that we are threatened by a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion. It is a myth that has spread unquestioned through politics, the security services and the international media. At the heart of the story are two groups: the American neo-conservatives and the…