搜索 PernilleSørensen
共找到“2”个结果In the second animation film about Ploddy the Police Car, he stumbles on environmental criminals threatening rare animals when he is to meet the Crown princess. She's there to open a national with a majestic rare breeds of eagles. In the area there's been more and mare animals missing from the wildlife. Now Ploddy has …
性格顽强,顽皮而又机智勇敢的男孩 Lillebror 刚随家人搬到新的住处,还没有开始认识任何新的朋友。在一堆柴火中他找到了自己幻想的朋友-小木人Knerten。每次Lillebror的妈妈在商店里开始工作、爸爸外出推销内衣的时候,Lillebror都必须自己打理一天中大部分的时间。只要有小木人 Knerten 出现在他手中,他就能拥有一个充满刺激和戏剧化的新生活…