搜索 Petch

  • At a haunted apartment block populated mostly by ladyboys and cross-dressers, Taew opens a new apartment but soon someone commits suicide in a room - or maybe its murder. That is the start of crazy and funny haunting incidents and scenes involving a lot of people running away from pursuing ghosts.
  • In 2006 the UK Minster of Defence announced the deployment of British Troops to Helmand Province, Afghanistan, saying: 'We would be happy to leave Afghanistan without firing a single shot'. 'The Patrol' features a British Army Operational Mentor and Liaison Team supporting this NATO led operation. As the scale of the T…
  • 电影惊悚
    本片是一个在极端的情况下爱情消逝的故事。尚孟(阿南达·爱华灵咸 Ananda Everingham 饰)从小就父母双亡被叔叔木材富商帕博(Teerapong Liaorakwong 饰)收养长大。从缅甸森林大学毕业归来,他就帮叔叔打理林场。尚孟长的帅气文雅且没有不良嗜好,他的叔叔帕博可是个风月高手,这天帕博又把从曼谷遇到的美貌而富有智慧的女子玉帕蒂(赖拉·邦…
  • 电影
    A woman is afflicted with an unusual condition; she cries all the time, at the slightest provocation regardless of whether she’s happy or sad, beset by anxieties or problem-free. Nicknamed “Madame Ho”, this pitiful woman strives to play a …
  • 电影生活
    《情人节甜心 Valentine Sweety》用疯狂的爱情电影再酿甜蜜,这是2012年情人节上映的一部泰国浪漫情感爱情电影,影片讲述的是几对情侣在生活中的每个角落里的幸福小故事,该片的演员是包括Pae在内的众多泰国俊男靓女云集,绝对值得一看
  • Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghost that haunts their dorm. Tired of running away, they summon a spirit to help them defeat the ghost. But things turn chaos when they can't control and handle the situation which finally brings up a hilarious haunting story.
  • Sanit. A noodle chef that try to fulfilled his dream. To be a boxer. His friend Sab, a old school boxer that suffer injury at his leg. Song, a friend who's thinking that Sanit boxing career will never work out. Sit, an old school musician who teach him about step. Finally Sanaw, a person who obsessed about lucky charm.…
  • 《精兵快乐营》是盛产人妖搞笑烂片的Pranakorn Film的作品。在去年的《足球娘子军》以“足球少年版”爱在暹罗之名,卖低俗人妖恶作剧之实,而获得近3000万票房佳绩后,电影公司马不停蹄地把人妖的送到了另一个阳刚英武之地——军营。这一次,人妖喜剧的掌门人普·安农先生忙着转型拍鬼片,因此找来泰国的喜剧电影指导好手Bumrur Phong…
  • 电影恐怖
    风韵犹存的妮妲是一个单身妈妈,数年前她和老公的感情破裂,长久以来只同儿子阿顿生活在一起。妮妲靠在夜市卖电影光盘为生,巨大的压力令她皈依一个名为“Who R U”的宗教社团。5年前,阿顿与母亲发生争执,随即将自己反锁房中,从此再未踏向外部世界。妮妲与阿顿德交流便是通过门缝下传递纸条来实现,凭借宗教赐予她的力量,妮妲似乎渐渐习惯这…