- Torrey Pines is a stop-motion animated feature film by director Clyde Petersen. based on a true story, the film is a queer punk coming-of-age tale, taking place in Southern California in the early 1990's. Raised by a schizophrenic single mother, Petersen's life story unfolds in a series of baffling and hallucinated eve…
- The life and music of Dimitri Shostakovich is examined in depth in this music documentary.
- Three survivors are stalked by someone connected to their past. This time they're ready for a fight.
- The Olivier Award-winning Mischief Theatre brings Peter Pan Goes Wrong to BBC One, narrated by David Suchet and filmed in front of a live audience.
- 最新修复的9支出自《Not Only...But Also》的段子,同时缅怀Peter与Dudley这对喜剧巨匠。此片由Rob Brydon旁白,并邀请Richard Ayoade等喜剧演员共赏重新出土的Pete& Dud作品。