- 'Catching Clouds' follows the story of Greg, a struggling writer, and his life after meeting Niamh, a woman who cannot control her innate ability to disappear into thin air.
- Whenahighschoolseniorfindsoutfromherparentsthatshehastomissthetown'swinterdancetoattendChristmasEveserviceatchurch,shesuccessfullywishestheirfaithaway,bringingdisastrousconsequencestoherfamilyandcommunity.Torestoretheirfaith,sheisledthroughaseriesofChristmasadventuresthatchangeherheartandthosearoundher.
- Art of the Prank is an emotional and humorous journey following the evolution of Joey Skaggs, Godfather of the media hoax, as he tries to pull off the most challenging prank of his career. This is interwoven with amazing archive footage of his earlier escapades-all reported as fact by prestigious journalists. The resul…
- Jill Danvers has been suffering panic attacks and blackouts since her husband left her. After she is followed home by a man wearing a distorted mask, Jill's mind flips between fiction and reality. Will Jill continue her breakdown until it destroys her? Or will she make one final house call to redeem her sanity and conf…
- When Aurora pitches in to help her busy real estate mother, Aida, she quickly realizes she has again walked into a life or death situation. When a body is discovered at her first house showing and a second body is found in another house for sale, it becomes obvious that there is a very cool killer at large.