搜索 Phoebe

  • 电影
    Unlike most people, Melody cannot walk or talk, but she is smarter than most of the adults who try to diagnose her. Her classmates dismiss her as mentally challenged but Melody refuses to be defined by cerebral palsy.
  • YouTube 动画设计师Phoebe Warries的毕业作品《Lunette》 讲述一只每天承担日夜交替责任的狼的故事 静谧的画面与应景的背景乐 难得的好作品 还获了不少奖 看完之后或许你就会懂得为什么狼总是对着月亮嚎叫了
  • A look at Welsh poet Dylan Thomas's fatal visit to New York City, and his stormy relationship with his wife Caitlin.
  • 一部充斥特级的动作喜剧,讲述了胆大妄为的特级演员兰迪坎贝尔的故事。他追寻已故父亲的足迹,成为新西兰最伟大的亡命特级演员。从小生长在偏远的新西兰牧羊场的小男孩兰迪总是梦想做终级亡命的特级:坐火箭车跳越库克海峡。正是这个梦想带他离开家乡,踏上大城市奥克兰。旅途中,兰迪与旅行中的timaru hellriders特技组组成了一个团队,还遇见…
  • 肆虐洛杉矶的基因变种大蜘蛛再度现身赌城拉斯维加斯,军方秘密组织第51区中的一名职员,因为贪婪想藉由贩卖变种蜘蛛赚取大笔金钱,却意外让蜘蛛流窜各大饭店寄生繁殖,麦将军下令不计人员伤亡,一定要将蜘蛛消灭殆尽,奉命出任务的洛德,其心爱女友正在饭店任职,身系人烦安危的他,却心系女友安全,他要如何才能消灭危害人类安危的大蜘蛛呢?
  • Peter Pan enters the nursery of the Darling children and, with the help of fairy dust, leads them off to Never Never Land, where they meet the nefarious Captain Hook.
  • Mattie Fresno endures an uneventful life, until her grandfather — Nobel physicist, Raff Buddemeyer, leaves a videotaped will. Death, according to his unorthodox theory, is no barrier to their relationship and he promises to “always be ther…
  • 影片主人公是一个名叫伊芙的9岁女孩,她生长在温哥华一个传统的中国移民家庭。伊芙出生的那一年是中国传统上的“火马”年,因此她生性敏感早熟,有着狂野的想象力。在伊芙的家里,到处弥漫着孔子的思想和迷信的困扰。伊芙11岁的姊姊Karena刻板而独断,是虔诚的天主教徒。而伊芙则把佛教和天主教搅和在了一起。于是她们的生活变成了一个幻想中的…