搜索 Piñeiro

  • A group of boys and girls settle in a country house. One of them writes a novel while the others try to become a gang and prepare a robbery: some fall in love, or seems to be, or believe they are in love. However, these two, three, ten plot lines unfold from what the characters hide or just don’t know. With a sense of …
  • En una aldea remota de los montes de Galicia se entremezclan la complejidad de los sentimientos y la miseria de la emigración, y la realidad se confunde con la fantasía. Esta es la historia de una mujer, Xonxa, y de dos hombres, Pancho y B…
  • A young writer traumatized by the death of his wife and kid, describes his disturbing experiences to a psychiatrist. A mysterious man, hidden under an umbrella, forces him to finish his book regardless the cost of its consequences.
  • 玛丽亚十五岁时母亲就去世了,照顾全家的重担落在了她一个人身上。由于极强的控制欲,玛丽亚一直自豪于她在家里的地位。但当她得知父亲爱上了照顾他的护士并突然宣布订婚的时候,玛丽亚觉得她的生活就要分崩离析了。于是她便自甘堕落,离她的作家之梦也愈来愈远。她希望能在别的方面为家人发挥作用,却发现父亲已经不再需要她,她的生活也一直停…
  • Cracow Film Festival 1985 Don Quixote AwardDespite it is a short film, this one contains such characters, such situations that make this astonishing story shooting in the Galician Country unique. The protagonist, Tía Sunción is a old woman that for 30 years was waiting a letter from her son that were like an emigrant t…
  • 电影悬疑