搜索 Picchi

  • A man is left alone with his daughter who can't speak due to a past trauma.
  • 这是一部聚焦父子和家庭的影片,Adam(Evan·Peters饰)的母亲和妹妹两年前在一次车祸事故中去世,父亲沉浸在痛苦之中每日用酒精来麻痹神经度日,Adam因为母亲去世一直未剪的长发在学校中被同学认为是怪人,一次舞会之前与同学偶然的冲突演变成全校的一次骚动……男主角的扮演者Evan·Peters凭借在本片中的精彩表演获得了2004菲尼克斯电影节…
  • Young and correct Paquito meets a girl on the streets of Buenos Aires. They spend some time around the city, while discovering the outgoing and enigmatic character of Delia.
  • Four deserters from Paraguay War hide in an old drunkard's country seat. The latter has two daughters who are unhappy with their recluse lives
  • 阿根廷官方参赛影片, 74年奥斯卡最佳外语片提名, 塞尔吉奥.雷南的这部具有讽刺意味的浪漫情感片是阿根廷最好的影片之一.
  • In the Thirteen century, a group of Satan worshipers, the Knight Templars, is captured during a ritual and brutally murdered by the locals. Just before the execution, the Knights swear to return from their graves to haunt the village and the nearby forest. Centuries later, in a post-apocalyptic future, a man and his da…
  • While out driving, three young men meet two beautiful women and convince them to go with them to a rave out in a remote location. Once there, the women realize that there is no rave and that the men lied to them in order to beat and rape them. The women try to escape, only to accidentally unleash a pack of zombie gladi…
  • 年轻的玛丽亚Maria(安热莉娜·穆尼斯饰)是渔夫(若泽·瓦伦西奥饰)的女儿,不幸的是,她被父亲卖给了一个皮条客骗子鲁菲诺Rufino(路易吉·皮基饰)。鲁菲诺将她改名为“卡丽娜”后迫使她卖淫为他挣钱。同为皮条客的卢卡斯Lucas(克劳迪奥·库尼亚)不甘示弱,试图说服卡丽娜离开鲁菲诺,跟自己以前生活在他的农场。有一天,鲁菲诺与卢卡斯及…
  • 米高任特种部队时,曾参与拯救波斯尼恐怖分子挟持的人质,可惜任务失败人质被杀,米高侥幸逃脱。退役后米高任职私人保镖,其老板在机场为枪手伏击身亡,其妻在机场逃过大难后,回到家中再次受击,米高因而被革职,米高追查下,发现凶手竟是两年前恐怖分子首领,其时米高的行动受阻,而一起查案的探员的女儿亦被绑架,令案情更加复杂......