搜索 Pickering

  • Reluctant bride-to-be Sonny meets eccentric Liverpudlian stripper Jude and elopes with him on his vintage Vespa, forcing her future father-in-law Vijay to send his henchmen on a cross-country adventure in pursuit.
  • Amy Cole, an investigative reporter who's daughter is struck by a terminal illness is not content to let her daughter suffer and die, so she searches for something that can save Lily-Mae's life.
  • Nothing is ever what it seems in the sleepy English town of Curiosity as over the course of a never-ending weekend we follow various groups of people whose lives are all interconnected without them knowing it. But they all share one thing in common: curiosity kills.Welcome to Curiosity is a British crime thriller starr…
  • Chronicles the epic rise and fall of Angelo Morello, a young Calabrian who finds himself entering a life beyond his wildest dreams from small time gambler in the 1960s to controlling the Australian cannabis trade during the 1970s.
  • 电影冒险
    在海上航行多年,两个水手返回自己的家园。然而等候他们的不是一个新开始,而是即将发生的巨大灾难:一个水坝,始建于100多年前的英国殖民统治时期,潜在的崩塌威胁即将打破。显然,这场灾难并不是不可避免的....\r\n  故事围绕电影中的中心建筑:一座英国于殖民时期在印度修建的拥有百年历史的大坝进行。如“大坝”一般,电影中的每个角色都…
  • 7点晚间新闻
  • Kill Keith: Volume 1. Keith ‘Cheggers’ Chegwin is a household name and has been at the top of his game for nearly 40 years. He’s an all roundentertainer and has lived with us via our TV screens on Swap Shop as kids through to GMTV as pare…
  • 六七十年代的纽约,一个有着非凡音乐天赋的小女孩比莉(玛丽亚·凯莉饰)诞生了,但伴随着她童年的不是欢乐的歌声,而是动荡凄惨的生ddd。她的父母抛弃了她,她成为了一名被收养的孤儿,然而她从来都没有放弃自己的梦想,那就是成为一名伟大的音乐家。长大之后,比莉邀请两名朋友组成了一个女子乐队,在纽约的某个俱乐部开始她的寻梦之路。一次…
  • The Man In The Hat sets off from Marseilles in a small Fiat 500. On the seat beside him is a framed photograph of an unknown woman. Behind him is a 2CV into which is squeezed Five Bald Men. Why are they chasing him? And how can he shake them off?As he travels North through France, he encounters razeteurs, women with st…