搜索 Pinchot

  • 《新手亚历山大》讲述的是一位大龄处男,阴差阳错下,不得已将自己的房子改造成妓院,由此而找到了自己的真爱的故事。  26岁的亚力山大是一位搬运工,然而却面临驱逐。在最后的努力下,他的房子还是被迫成为了一个妓院,尽管他从未有过性生活。 但随着时间的推移,亚历山大去逐渐用自己的纯真最终找到了自己的真爱。
  • During his honeymoon, the irrepressible Larry Burton is dragged off into the jungle by a large-sized male baboon and is presumed dead - eaten by apes. However, defying all odds, Larry survives and, after many comic-strip-type adventures, returns home to re-establish himself as head of the household - little realising t…
  • 活宝兄弟第一季