- When 15-year-old Lizzie is kidnapped, her friendly but divorced parents Judith and Martin are devastated. The police can't find the girl but Tracy Spencer comes forward claiming she's a psychic and knows where Lizzie is. Judith is elated, but it soon becomes clear that Tracy has an agenda of her own.
- Los Angeles based band Dengue Fever goes to Cambodia, native home of their lead singer. They perform live shows, play with master musicians, and bridge the gap between music lost during the reign of the Khmer Rouge and the people and culture of today. Written by Monique Levi Co-ProducerSleepwalking Through the Mekong f…
- 柬埔寨,被屠杀的摇滚因摇滚乐而获罪,我想 史上最为著名的当然是宇宙塑胶人。1976年此乐团吸引了一个忠实的粉丝,那时候该歌迷还是剧作家,他的文集要到很多年才传到我们手里。不久后,这帮坏小子被投进大牢,事实上他们的音乐完全无关政治 ——原因只是吸毒酗酒聚众滥交以及乐器分贝过高这些所谓的摇滚生活罢了。刑期并不长,几个月到一两年不…
- 曾与帕瓦罗蒂、卡雷拉斯并称世界三大男高音的普拉西多·多明戈在跨越半个多世纪的歌唱生涯中,扮演超过150个角色,荣获11次格莱美奖。时至今日,多明戈仍以完美的声乐表现和无与伦比的才华,活跃于全球各大歌剧院和音乐节舞台。1969年,多明戈首次登上意大利的维罗纳竞技场,以两部经典歌剧《图兰朵》和《唐•卡洛》震惊世界;2019年,维罗纳竞…
- 柬埔寨,被屠杀的摇滚 因摇滚乐而获罪,我想 史上最为著名的当然是宇宙塑胶人。1976年此乐团吸引了一个忠实的粉丝,那时候该歌迷还是剧作家,他的文集要到很多年才传到我们手里。不久后,这帮坏小子被投进大牢,事实上他们的音乐完全无关政治 ——原因只是吸毒酗酒聚众滥交以及乐器分贝过高这些所谓的摇滚生活罢了。刑期并不长,几个月到一两年…