- just viewed this movie and decided to take the time to make some comments since no one else has.overall I give the movie a 7,the score would be higher if there were less blood and more clothes on the females.Deserves an R rating.In the 1960's and 70's I spent many hours being entertained by dubbed movies,this one is du…
- La ricostruzione dell'odissea giudiziaria di Enzo Tortora, famoso giornalista e presentatore televisivo, è la storia di questo film-inchiesta, nella più solida tradizione di un cinema 'di impegno civile'. A partire dal successo ottenuto co…
- The triumvirate of tenors blend classical arias with an encore round of popular Italian ballads in this concert special from the Musicale Fiorentino Teatro Opera in Rome. Experience the emotion, the excitement and the triumph of the greatest classical event of our time, captured as never before in studio-quality vision…
- 1994年,世界杯足球赛决赛之夜在美国洛杉矶道奇体育场举办的三大男高音演唱会,是音乐史上空前绝后聚集全球15亿观众同时欣赏之世纪盛会。本专辑收录世界名歌、好莱坞名曲等二十余首,加收一首电视未转播的精彩安歌(Encore,又译“安可曲”),全长112分钟,是三大男高音超越巅峰之后的最后巨献,雅俗共赏。1990年是三位男高音个人声音状态和艺…