The Seven Minutes is a steamy book written in the 20s. To help with an upcoming election, a bookstore clerk is indicted for selling obscene material and most of the film centers about the trial. The defense attorneys need to find the mystery of the original publication of the book.
多明戈担任主持人,介绍西班牙塞维利亚风情和相关歌剧剧情。演唱《卡门》《唐璜》《塞维利亚理发师》《命运之力》《费德里奥》《野猫》等剧的咏叹调。在《塞维利亚理发师》中他一人演唱两重唱,反串男中音。Georges Bizet (from opera "Carmen") Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (from opera "Don Giov…