搜索 Pol

  • After being physically attacked by his loving wife Carmen, a series of unsettling incidents lead her husband Pat to question just what is happening to her. It's only when Carmen can't find her own house one day, that she and Pat are ready to face the unimaginable: Carmen has early onset Alzheimer's. As her cognition de…
  • Mavka-abeautifulforestnymphandsouloftheForest-facesanimpossiblechoicebetweenloveandherdutyasguardiantotheHeartoftheForest,whenshefallsinlovewithahuman-thetalentedyoungmusicianLukash.Ourstoryisaboutthemagicalpoweroflove.Thatkindoflovethatenableshumannaturetofindthemagicwithinandrevealsabilitiesandqualitiesthatempowerape…
  • 一个有自杀倾向的退伍军人在一个冲浪疗养项目里找到了志同道合的人。该项目是通过冲浪帮助那些受过创伤的士兵康复。在这个成功的纪录片中,伊拉克战争老兵鲍比·莱恩与他的几个英雄同伴们共同通过冲浪应对严重的创伤。Resurface is a documentary about military veterans who use surf therapy to cope with PTS…
  • 画家卡瓦拉多西因掩护政治犯被捕,为使恋人能够获救,歌剧明星托斯卡委身于警察总督斯卡皮亚。警察总督答应托斯卡进行一次假处决,托斯卡在拿到离境通行证后,趁其不备,将他刺死。黎明,卡瓦拉多西被带往刑场,谁料处决的枪支里放进了真正的子弹。卡瓦拉多西应声倒地,托斯卡绝望至极,纵身跳下高墙,一代红伶玉殒香消。
  • Now in its seventh season, the popular performance series The Met: Live in HD has brought the Metropolitan Opera’s world-class productions to a whole new audience via live video simulcasts skillfully captured with multiple high-definition …
  • 电影
    泰國多產同志導演 Thitipan Raksasat 繼兩集《鄰家男孩-唏唏呵呵》後,又一泰性感新作。美女嘉德的丈夫,到韓國公幹後失蹤,令她非常擔心。嘉德只好找來警察好友幫忙,但由於失蹤時間未夠長,警察愛莫能助。焦急的嘉德,唯有找來丈夫的司機幫忙。在丈夫的辦公室內,她找到一張電費單,上面有一個地址,她跟司機決定找上門尋找線索。一間她從來…
  • 电影生活
  • 电影喜剧
  • When Dorothy Stringer High School announces it is to close, all hope seems lost. That is until one of the students finds a flyer on the street offering a reward to anyone who can spend two nights in Darkwood Manor. But when the intrepid group of volunteers and their form tutor arrive at the manor it quickly becomes cle…