搜索 Porfiri

  • An example of ironic Soviet propagandistic film from the silent era, this film chronicles the adventures of an American, "Mr. West," and his faithful bodyguard and servant Jeddie, as they visit the land of the horrible, evil Bolsheviks. Through various mishaps, Mr. West discovers that the Soviets are actually…
  • A woman who works as employee in a fashion store has to care for her ill mother. At the same time she falls in love with a bohemian man. Emilia, a humble clothing store employee, steals an outfit to wear to a party she's attending with her boyfriend. Everything turns out bad for Emilia: she's fired from her job, she's …
  • 改编自真实故事。不良于行的中年男人波夫里欧,以租借手机维生。他在一场意外遭到警枪误射导致半身不遂,需要有人随侍在侧,照料他的吃喝拉撒,甚至是性欲方面的满足。镜头像是不经意闯入男子的生活,极为自然写实;刻意以「轮椅视角」的镜位拍摄所有画面。最惊人的是,本片男主角由传主亲身上阵演出,更添传奇色彩。
  • A five-person team of gold prospectors in the Yukon has just begun to enjoy great success when one of the members snaps, and suddenly kills two of the others. The two survivors, a husband and wife, subdue the killer but are then faced with an agonizing dilemma. With no chance of turning him over to the authorities for …