搜索 Poster

  • 维希瓦·劳自小由母亲带大,母亲一直期望他可以成为一名出色的警官。然而,他自己却有个不一样的计划——成为一名电影中的英雄。
  • Turner Prize-winning artist Jeremy Deller and collaborator Nicholas Abrahams explore the trans formative power of music through stories of faith and devotion from Depeche Mode fans across the globe.
  • This movie is a charming, very sexy love story between a cute blond valley boy and an older leather biker type. It's a simple story, endearingly told and well directed. Sean Tatyran and Chris Bradley are excellent. The black and white filming gives the movie a nice arty house/50's feel.A rare film in which a gay relati…
  • 电影生活
    萧依云(林凤娇 饰)自幼生活在父母的疼爱之中,长大之后又嫁给了深爱的男人高浩天(秦汉 饰),生活十分幸福美满。在做家教的过程中,萧依云结识了名为俞碧菡的女孩(张艾嘉 饰)。俞碧菡的人生和萧依云截然相反,过着寄人篱下的日子,常年遭受继母的虐待。 一天,萧依云接到了性命危在旦夕的俞碧菡的求救,实在心疼俞碧菡的萧依云决定将前者接…
  • 电视剧少女
  • 电影
    Discovering a severed bird that is missing its body, Ah Ger decides to make a mock body for the poor creature and give it a proper burial. Her intentions prompt an unexpected visit by the ghost of her late grandmother appearing in the form of the dead bird, urging Ah Ger to help find and care for her egg. Her actions c…