- A black comedy centered on the real events of the kidnapping that became a viral phenomenon with millions of live followers. Inspired by actual events occurred in Uppsala during Christmas 2011. In a desperate attempt to solve his economic problems Josef Esfarander, a medical student, plans to kidnap a law student from …
- 2013年冬季 TBS 日剧故事讲述本来在旅行社本部做旅行企划的远藤庆太(伊藤淳史)被调到成田机场工作,一心做企划的他来到陌生的环境意志消沈。因为新上任工作能力低,受到有能部下森尾晴子(桐谷美玲)的敌视共演有庆太的上司今泉利夫(柳叶敏郎)马马虎虎不能被信赖,还有在众多女性工作人员间负责调停工作的马场花惠(贯地谷しほり)展现出温…
- Little Nicky, the son of the Tanner, a famous strongman, has made up his mind, that he can conquer the dragon as his father did long ago. Against prohibition of his father, Nicky has managed to get into trouble and now it depends only on his courage, whether he defeats the resurgent dragon and returns home from the mag…