搜索 Prudêncio

  • 海克特与妈妈帕洛玛悠閒地度假期间,偶然邂逅下榻同一饭店的少女洁思敏。洁思敏撩拨起海克特对爱欲的渴望,然而帕洛玛却难以接受母子关系随著儿子的成长逐渐疏远。眼看洁思敏即将离开饭店,海克特该怎么面对左右为难的情感谜题?初次萌芽的情欲随时都将一触即发,却因过于亲密的母子关系而处处受阻。空气中瀰漫著海水的咸味、游泳池的氯气味,还…
  • 电视剧剧情
  • After the Carnation Revolution the peasants in the Alentejo region occupied the huge proprieties where they were once submitted to the power of their masters. The protagonists of this film, resistants of this struggle, tell their story to the youngsters of today, in their own words. QUINZAINE DES RÉALISATEURS 2017