搜索 Rahi

  • 电影
  • Natasha is a TV host assigned to cover the mysterious happenings on Pulau Indah Kayangan. Together with her crew, Adam and Dino, they explore the island, which was solely inhabited by local tribes until a big company decides to develop it as a tourist attraction. Upon arrival at the island, they are met by a handsome b…
  • 1967六日战争失败后,士兵穆罕默德亲眼目睹了战友们的死亡,回到家乡感到心碎和沮丧。他仍然爱法蒂玛,但她的父亲希望她嫁给Abbas
  • 二战期间,一名美国战地老摄影师为了追寻他参军失踪的儿子,独自一人来到法国。在一次次目睹死亡及寻找无果后,老摄影师变得冷漠而孤僻。在一次爆炸中,他被送往医院开始接受治疗, 并在治疗期间认识了一名同样失去亲人的孤儿。在两人逐步的交往过程中,这名孤儿用自己对生命的希望为老摄影师创造了一棵用照片拼凑的“快乐树”。老摄影师被孤儿…
  • 一對年輕戀人,女孩從事幫傭,男孩在商場擔任警衛,雖然經濟困頓但仍決定結婚,然而一次不幸意外改變了他們的生活。語言:阿拉伯語、法語      新婚夫婦阿布德凱德和瑪莉卡住在摩納哥梅克內斯市,因為入不敷出而住在爸媽家,他們夢想早日搬出來,過自己的生活,但阿布德凱德在工作崗位碰到一樁暴力事件,兩人的命運從此天翻地覆。《瓦盧比利…
  • 一对当时在星马地区受欢迎的演员歌手Aziz Jaafar和Noor Azizah分别饰演Johari(“Joe”)和 Fauziah。白天, Fauziah和Joe都有稳定地工作。 晚上,他们致力于练习他们的乐队。 Fauziah必须对她那死板保守的父亲(Ahmad Nisfu饰演)保持秘密,一个反对现代青少年流行音乐的人。他们于是开始不顾反对参与唱片公司选秀比赛。Fauziah父亲不能…
  • 根据真实故事改编,讲述打击马共中的战斗英雄Kanang Anak Langkau中士的事迹
  • Guru Ji is a social reformer who works to help people fight against social evils.
  • A mother and her son is runnings a rundown restaurant and are trying to keep up the appearance of glory days. But the staff is not pleased with their terms and the owners are not pleased with the staff, and above all this, personal problems and disagreements affects the atmosphere. At the end of the night it is more wa…