- 讲述一个坐轮椅的盲人,他是一位电影影迷,家中收藏了丰富的DVD影碟。同时,他一直心爱着一个女孩,但是两人从未见面,只是通过电话进行沟通。有一天,他得知女孩病重,担心见不到她最后一面,于是开启了一段意想不到而惊心动魄的旅程。
- the story of Jaakko, a wheelchair-bound blind man, prisoner in his own home. A film buff, he has seen all films before loosing his sight, but not Titanic that he has kept unopened in his DVD collection. When his girlfriend - herself disabled and a fan of Titanic - tells him her health is declining, he sets out on a per…