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  • When Jimmy Preston goes missing in the small town of Brookhaven, Mississippi, the gossip circle formed by three women (Ann, Jenny and Patsy) become amateur detectives in an effort to solve his disappearance.
  • White Creek is a place from another universe. A place where feudalism remains intact and people struggle to break free from debt. One family must escape the dangers of this decaying society, as the power in their valley changes hands. In the end they are left to decide how to move forward in this universe and the next.
  • The father of the little Jacob returned from a long a six-year mission. All these years the boy lived in an orphanage. It is quite natural that the relationship with his father to declare develop very easy. Besides, all the forces and Jakub ways tries to assert itself among the new classmates and a domestic company, wh…
  • 一个郁郁不得志的科学家为了生活被迫成为了一名气象播音员,但是一次外景主持发生的意外事件却让他的人生从此开始了新的篇章。可惜这次意外事件带给他名利的同时,也夺去了他好友的生命,因此他决定重操旧业,探寻事情的原委。最终他发现原来是美军秘密研发的新武器——气候武器,由于过于强大而失控,造成了这一次很大的灾难。
  • 以經濟大蕭條為背景,大膽地揭示了美國搖搖欲墜的經濟結構,瘋狂擠兌、銀行倒閉、工廠關門、失業等種種危機。四十年來政府對金融的寬鬆政策,大量的工作外包,美國執政黨主張減稅、減少商業管制等政策,只有利於大型企業和富有的商人菁英,等於變相的劫貧濟富。但實際上政客與企業家各執一方,受苦難的永遠是勞工、窮人、弱勢團體…工人階級和中…
  • 18世纪的滨海小镇,海盗在此埋下价值连城的宝藏。数百年后的现代,两个小孩意外地发现了藏宝箱,一不小心,他们居然把囚禁在神秘宝瓶内的恶魔释放了。这两个小孩和另外两个被卷入这场奇遇的同学必须同心协力和宝瓶守护神合作,唯有如此,他们才能挽救自己
  • Painted Life explores the life and work of Lucian Freud, undoubtedly one of Britain's greatest artists. Freud gave his full backing to the documentary shortly before his death. Uniquely, he was filmed painting his last work, a portrait of his assistant David Dawson.Lucian Freud: Painted Life also includes frank testimo…