搜索 Rebel

  • 永远的大和号 REBEL3199 第二章 赤日的出击
    名作アニメ「宇宙戦艦ヤマト」のリメイクシリーズの1作で、1980年公開の劇場アニメ「ヤマトよ永遠(とわ)に」に新解釈を加えて再構成した全7章(全26話)のうちの第2章。 デザリアムの巨大移動要塞グランドリバースが、ついに新都湾岸部に降着した。一夜にして地球を制圧したデザリアム軍の聖総統スカルダートは地球の人々に対し、「われわれ…
  • Rebel with a Bow Tie
    The playfully documented grand finale of Toomas Hendrik Ilves’s 10 years as president. “I was a pretty crazy president” – that's what Toomas Hendrik Ilves said about himself. And it's true. A man who, as an intellectual, reads kilometres…
  • 动漫少女
    宁静祥和的见泷原市,全靠魔法少女鹿目圆(悠木碧 配音)、美树沙耶香(喜多村英梨 配音)、巴麻美(水桥香织 配音)以及佐仓杏子(野中蓝 配音)守护,一次次击败了人类灵魂深处产生的“梦魇”,全力包围着她们最为珍惜的城市、家人和朋友。这一天,美丽女孩晓美焰(斋藤千和 配音)作为转校生来到小圆的班级,小圆她们意外发现,晓美竟然也是…
  • 十一人的贼军
  • We Were rebels tells the story of a former child soldier who returns home to help build South Sudan - the youngest country in the world.
  • 《旅人:48小时游记》为英国的一档电视旅游纪录片系列节目,主持人为《IT狂人》中的Moss 理查德·艾欧阿德。每一期节目中,他将与不同的明星嘉宾在各个著名旅游城市游历48小时。在2016年的圣诞特别篇中,他们的目的地是意大利的佛罗伦萨。
  • 电影
  • Liam Neeson narrates an account of the Dublin Easter uprising of 1916 as seen through Irish eyes. Using archival narratives of the participants, together with contributions from academics from the US, Ireland and Britain, the film puts the uprising into the context of hundreds of years of Anglo-Irish history, reveals t…
  • The Honourable Elizabeth Montagu, writer, actress, musician, film dialogue director, linguist and lover, evaded the clutches of the Gestapo by escaping to work as a secret agent for Alan Dulles and the British Secret Service during the war.
  • Docu drama that combines interviews with reconstructions to tell the story of Pope Francis’s rise to the Vatican. - See more at: http://www.tvmole.com/2015/11/greenlit-rebel-pope-nat-geo/#sthash.3fKyjdnv.dpuf