- Fifteen years after the events of The Boys of St. Vincent took place, the various boys involved are brought in to testify against the brothers, now finally standing trial, who assaulted them when they were children. The former head of the orphanage, Peter Lavin, has been married for several years imbd:8.3/10!! at this …
- 艾尔伯特•斯毕卡(Michael Gambon 饰)及其爪牙敲诈勒索,无恶不作。到了晚上他便会带着妻子和徒众来到其所拥有的餐厅用餐,在这里艾尔伯特依然处于中心地位,他高谈阔论、粗俗无理,蛮横地统治者身边的一切。妻子乔治娜(Helen Mirren 饰)对这个性无能却凶残暴力的丈夫敢怒不敢言,只得小心应付。然而几次晚宴过后,乔治娜却被旁边桌上一个举…