- A story of two teens discovering their budding sexuality. Greg is having his first sexual experience and first relationship with his friend's mother, a woman twice his age....while Denise is angry with Greg, and sleeps with another girl. Both are in a hurry to mature, but both must deal with the repercussions of growin…
- 主人公両津勘吉破天荒的行动引起了有趣的大騒动、讨论了长寿的秘密、这个作品真正有人气的秘密是:通过古典"落语"(日本的俏皮话,类似寓言)从根本上道出了人情喜剧的本质。在这个作品里、作为主人公的両津首次、和其它极其霸道,独一无二的人物们陆续登场。他们的行动让人侧目惊讶,引起了人们的大騒动!但是无论是谁因为何故,我们都要知道…