搜索 Richt

  • Synopsis: One of Gustav Machaty's (Ecstasy) major achievements, From Saturday to Sunday is marked by a gentle romanticism. Two secretaries go out on a double date, but the inexperienced Mary flees when offered money for sexual favors. She takes refuge in a cafe and encounters a plebeian Prince Charming. The film recoun…
  • 在私家侦探Varg Veum生活里面从来就不缺少女人,可是当他帮Wenche Andresen寻找她失踪的丈夫的时候,他不由自主地爱上了这个女人,后来她的丈夫被找到,而且是被谋杀的,警察将Wenche Andresen定为头号嫌疑犯。Varg Veum始终相信这个美丽而且有着浪漫心态的女人不会是那个残忍的凶手,所以他开始伪造这个案子的证据,以证明Wenche And…
  • 一群热爱着德国沙尔克04队的球迷,一名为该队效力的球员。当他们想要帮助他找回进球的感觉的时候,都会发生什么故事呢?足球是我们的生命,而我们的生活中,可以仅仅只有足球么?亲情、爱情,能否同足球一样,相伴在我们的左右?
  • 一段发生在一家国营建筑公司里头的三角恋爱:愤世嫉俗而又魅力十足的工头Hannes Balla,唯唯诺诺的支部书记Werner Horrath(已婚)以及事业和爱情两不误的女建筑师Kati Klee。该片因其反英雄性质的主人公和对社会现状的批评与揭露在拍摄时就引起党内高层领导的不满,勉强公映后五天即遭禁演,直到1990年才得以重见天日,并被评为东德影史最佳之…
  • I was fortunate enough to catch this film at Outfest in Los Angeles. For me, it's always refreshing when filmmakers can succeed at not only telling their audience a touching and real life romance, but also when they go above and beyond traditional narrative structures in telling their story. With Patrick McGuinn's beau…
  • Editorial ReviewsAmazon.comThe Celts gave Enya her first popular showcase, but there's far more to this epic documentary series than lushly ethereal music. Produced by BBC Scotland in 1987, the six-part, six-hour series shows its age with simple graphics and visual design, but writer-narrator Frank Delaney compensates …
  • 埃杜与罗拉是一对新婚的夫妻。由于丈夫经常外出旅行,两人对此产生矛盾。在一次争吵中,埃杜试图像往常一样装死来逃避问题,不料发现自己真的死在了床上。埃杜的灵魂进入了另一个世界,他再也看不到活生生的妻子。为了再见一面伤心欲绝的爱妻,埃杜向另一个灵魂求助。终于,在棺材合上的刹那,埃杜活了过来,并于罗拉共度了最后一个夜晚。