搜索 Seim

  • In this self-proclaimed anti-romantic comedy, yet offbeat love story of sorts, couple June and October are breaking up. Manipulative June feels her moral superiority justifies the breakup. A “confucked” October learns from seasoned waitress Billy-Jean, that revenge is a dish best served with pie. A sweet as pie short t…
  • A blend of reality and fiction, "Open Five" follows the story of Jake, a struggling musician and his sidekick, Kentucker, a maker of "poor" films and what happens when two girls (Lucy and Rose) venture down to Memphis for a long weekend.
  • 这是一部最真诚的芬兰心理戏剧(由书《在钟罩》改编,引起强烈的反响。本剧涉及到人物Helena Viita (Elena Leeve饰)),讲述一对离异作家的女儿。Helena的父母都是著名作家,她母亲是Aila Meriluoto(芬兰诗人和作家),父亲是Lauri Viita(芬兰诗人和作家)。 尽管Helena心中只存有模糊的童年记忆,她心中父亲的地位是很崇高的,相反,她怨恨母…
  • 在私家侦探Varg Veum生活里面从来就不缺少女人,可是当他帮Wenche Andresen寻找她失踪的丈夫的时候,他不由自主地爱上了这个女人,后来她的丈夫被找到,而且是被谋杀的,警察将Wenche Andresen定为头号嫌疑犯。Varg Veum始终相信这个美丽而且有着浪漫心态的女人不会是那个残忍的凶手,所以他开始伪造这个案子的证据,以证明Wenche And…
  • 电影生活
    安娜(格莱·贝 Gry Bay 饰)一直坚信,男友乔纳(马克·史蒂文斯 Mark Stevens 饰)是自己的真命天子,但是很显然,乔纳并不这么想,他抛弃了安娜,开始了独自探索世界的旅程。一晃五年过去了,这五年里,安娜从来都没有忘记过去乔纳,终于,在日复一日的痛苦中,安娜想通了,她开始了在陌生人身上寻求安慰的混乱生活。一次偶然中,安娜结识了…
  • Coffee&Pie
    In this self-proclaimed anti-romantic comedy, yet offbeat love story of sorts, couple June and October are breaking up. Manipulative June feels her moral superiority justifies the breakup. A “confucked” October learns from seasoned waitress Billy-Jean, that revenge is a dish best served with pie. A sweet as pie short t…