搜索 Roché

  • LL a film by Amos Kollek.LL, a young Princeton graduate living in NYC, is in a deep identity crisis. She just lost the woman who raised her, but does not really know who either of her parents were. She receives a call from JJ, a mysterious man who claims to be her father. He lives in a shabby transients hotel. LL has n…
  • 皮埃尔(亚瑟·杜彭 Arthur Dupont 饰)和露西(丽兹·布罗谢 Lizzie Brocheré 饰)是从小一起长大的兄妹,他们和四个同龄人一起度过了青春期,共同热爱摇滚音乐。皮埃尔是双性恋者,这在故事中为情节增添了复杂性。然而,突然有一天,皮埃尔失踪了,引起了露西和母亲的极大担忧。警察最终发现了皮埃尔的尸体,经过调查确认他是被人打死的。皮…
  • 电影剧情
  • 现已年近暮年的雷蒂斯是世界上最有影响力的经济巨头之一,他整日忙于工作,不得空闲,一个又一个紧急会议让他疲惫不堪,甚至无闲顾及一对早已长大成人的儿女。为了打败商业上的强劲对手卡伊犹斯,雷蒂斯绞尽脑汁,不惜一切代价。但终于,他年老的身体被这种勾心斗角,异常繁忙的生活击垮了。医生告诉雷蒂斯,他已经得了恶性肿瘤,将不久于人世。…
  • At the suggestion of a straight friend, gay man Leo joins a men's group, where he causes some upsets by declaring his attraction to one of its members.
  • Max, la trentaine, traverse une mauvaise passe : sans emploi malgré ses diplômes d'ingénierie en robotique, il fait l'objet d'un dossier de surendettement. La juge lui donne trois mois pour trouver au moins 5000 euros - faute de quoi, la …
  • 马克西姆和伊斯特本是从小在一起玩的好朋友。一天,马克西姆偶然得知伊斯特本的父母决定不久将举家搬迁回圣地亚哥。不忍心与好友分离的马克西姆决定鼓励伊斯特本参加电视选秀节目从而延迟他们一家的行程。最终的结局会否让马克西姆得偿所愿吗?
  • In 17th century France, cardinal Mazarin's death squad kills young Blanche's parents. She grows up to become a thief and steels a substance called Powder of the Devil and a coded letter that were sent to cardinal Mazarin. He is furious.