搜索 Roschdy

  • 安东尼是一个才华横溢、诚实可信的年轻律师......太诚实、理想化以至于到现在还一穷二白,处处碰壁。直到有一天,他遇到了一个律师,“再教育”安东尼,于是他的生活彻底改变了......
  • After many years of having worked as a tour guide at the Senegalese slave museum, Alloune decides to go to America in search of his ancestors. They were taken away from his village 200 years ago and sold as slaves in the New World.
  • In 17th century France, cardinal Mazarin's death squad kills young Blanche's parents. She grows up to become a thief and steels a substance called Powder of the Devil and a coded letter that were sent to cardinal Mazarin. He is furious.
  • Un geste, et tout bascule. Un adolescent de 14 ans, un médecin urgentiste, un flic en quête de vengeance, une mère qui se bat pour les siens, un homme anéanti par la mort de sa femme voient leurs destins désormais liés. Alors que le médec…
  • 臥底探員馬力克在一次掃毒行動中,痛失拍擋兼好友。為了緝拿兇徒,他接受地獄式訓練,成功滲透歐洲最大的毒品供應集團,跟隨毒販從北非摩洛哥產地出貨往歐洲大陸。一隊極速車手以大馬力快艇穿梭地中海,超級跑車衝越西班牙、法國邊境,將毒品送抵巴黎的國際分銷中心,全程實況首次銀幕直擊!
  • 根据真实事件改编,法国戛纳附近发生一桩凶杀案,法国警察和检察官怀有偏见的认定凶手就是一名穆斯林移民,造成冤假错案。