搜索 Roché

  • 该片讲述了奥地利皇后的故事。希茜皇后将自己复杂和悲剧性的人生叙述给一位知己。七天后悲剧发生。那是 1898 年, 一名意大利无政府主义者对希茜皇后下了毒手。September 1898. During a visit to Geneva to see her friend and confidant Doctor Mayer, the Empress Elisabeth of Austria recall…
  • 故事发生在古希腊的底比斯,俄狄浦斯王弑父娶母后,生了二个儿子——厄忒俄克勒斯和波吕涅刻斯,以及两个女儿——安提戈涅(艾琳·帕帕斯 Irene Papas 饰)和伊斯墨涅。波吕涅刻斯借岳父的兵力回国来和他的哥哥厄忒俄克勒斯争夺王位,结果两兄弟自相残杀而死。克瑞翁以舅父资格继承了王位,他为厄忒俄克勒斯举行了盛大的葬礼,宣布波吕涅刻斯为…
  • 电影剧情
  • In a house on a cliff by the sea, a man and a woman live together and eventually have children. When the mother disappears and the father goes for a swim in the sea, the baby is left to be raised by the twin brothers and the cruel, older sister. When they grow up secrets can only be kept for so long.
  • 洪水之后,世界上唯一的幸存者在精灵的引导下产下一个婴儿……
  • 剧情简介:小男孩胡其托和小女孩玛露是邻居也是同学,更是好朋友。小男孩和小女孩的母亲却是相看两相怨的,彼此的出身背景不同因而对对方抱着偏见与成见,玛露的母亲认为对方没教养不女儿和男孩在一起玩,男孩的母亲认为对方装高贵摆架子,所以不愿和对方有任何牵扯。小男孩家信仰「卡斯楚」,小女孩家则信仰「天主」。胡其托和玛露则好像一对欢…
  • A Latin American country on the Pacific seaboard. A coup d'état fails. Jacques and his fellow mercenaries must get out of there as fast as they can. He takes with him Monica, a beautiful prostitute with a taste for adventure. Having cheate…
  • Four intersecting tales shed light on the difficult lives of suburbanites. Esther (Glenn Close) nurses her comatose son (Joshua Jackson) while ignoring the rest of the family, and workaholic attorney Jim (Dermot Mulroney) overlooks his wife (Moira Kelly), losing control when he doesn't get an expected promotion. Meanwh…