搜索 Rodier

  • 亚历山大睁开眼,发现自己躺在医院里。从车祸中幸存了下来的他,在当了六个月的植物人后醒来,不过却彻底地失忆了。面对这个完全陌生的世界,亚历山大开始了寻找自我的旅程。这场回归并不容易。当亚历山大再次见到那些曾经历过的物事,片断的图象开始闪现于他的脑海,而那些画面看起来却是那么的陌生和不可信。亚历山大从家人、朋友那里一点一滴…
  • 破冰
    HIT THE ICE is a youth series that will see the young men's dreams come true as the best young male Aboriginal hockey players come together for a 2 week period. These 25 prospects will run through a mini-camp and experience the highs and lows of an NHL calibre training camp. From physical training, on ice drills and di…
  • A female guardian angel tries to convince Pierre not to marry his rich but mean fiance, but rather fall in love with a stewardess who is secretly in love with him.