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  • 电影爱情
  • 讲述了出生于三个年代的女人的故事。她们不仅因为血缘联系在一起,而且连对爱的态度也如出一辙。她们都迫切地渴望填补内心的空虚,以至于一时出卖道德和尊严也无所谓。电影的主角安琪是一个人气低迷的三线小明星,为了向母亲证明自己能出名,她不得不出演一部照本宣科的“真人秀”。她透过节目向观众展示自己的痛苦,观众们站在道德的制高点评判…
  • This film pays homage to the film makers of the 70’s and tells the dramatic story of the vampire Carmilla. She has been condemned by the Devil to endless pain:she’s dead but is forced to be still living for ever and ever. The story is set …
  • Tad's learning adventure begins in The Letter Factory along with Professor Quigley as they learn all 26 letters from A to Z join in the fun as you learn The letters and their sounds at The Letter Factory
  • El Alambrista Mexican wrestler and defender of migrants uncovers a terrifying plot that turns bordering crossing migrants into monsters. A tough vigilante, Roy Willcox, played by WWE superstar Jake the Snake Roberts, is terrorizing migrant trying to cross the border. Willcox's mistreatment of the migrants along the US-…
  • A US lieutnant is turned into a guinea pig for deadly KGB experiments. Left for dead in Vietnam, Lieutnant Cotter became a guinea pig for KGB baddie Mitovitch. Implanted with a contro microchip, he is turned into a mindless killer. His colleague Lieutnant Sanders goes looking for him in Cambodia, then in Salavador, whe…
  • 本片讲述了泰国曼谷一座寺庙与众多老虎之间的神奇故事。该寺庙坐落在泰国西部的勘察南部日省,在这里生活着12个和尚和16只老虎。寺庙住持是这一奇特世界的核心人物,也是一个能够与老虎等野生猛兽对话的传奇人物。几十年来,在他的带领下,老虎与和尚一同吃住,一同玩耍,过着平静而又和谐的生活。