搜索 Rog

  • 圣-阿诺是个贫穷的小镇子,当地镇长安德列正处于内外交困的时期,一方面在政绩上他无能迷信甚至被镇民轰下台,另一方面他的家庭由于长期缺乏关怀也出现危机。在他渴望挽救颓势的时候,偏偏就发生了奇迹……
  • Strange other-worldly sounds are echoing around the world. A group of researchers, led by expert ufologist Lorraine Gardner, begin an expedition to track down the point of origin from which the sounds emerge. Yet as their journey deepens, they begin to discover more than they bargained for.
  • A group of mysterious villains known as "The Alliance" sets a trap for the Taxpayer. They imprison him, torture him, and make plans to publicly crucify him. Local janitor Richard Randolph rounds up retired Superheroes, and hatches a plan to rescue the Taxpayer. The villains stage a public rally, where many ci…
  • 电影剧情
  • 一組攝影團隊,為了追求最刺激、最恐怖的畫面,他們來到了全美國最惡名昭彰的鬧鬼地帶--琳達威斯塔醫院。雖然身為專門拍攝超自然現象的團隊,他們實際上卻是一點都不相信一切未知的存在,一心只想製造煽情狗血的內容獲得世界關注。秉著破除迷信的念頭,他們踏入了這個詭譎的醫院。渾然不知他們所有人,都將因此付出代價…。
  • In light of the extinction crisis facing the Earth and using the dodo's story as a cautionary tale, this documentary looks at the different causes of species extinction and asks whether there is anything we can do to stop them.