搜索 RolfRömer

  • It is 1740 and the English and French colonial forces are waging war against each other in their struggle to take control of North America. Both powers take advantage of existing tribal rivalries and enlist local tribes, the Delawares and Hurons, on either side of their conflict. Chingachgook, the last of the Mohicans,…
  • 谬托知已 实是狼心狗肺遇难不屈 乃获最后胜利广袤的北美草原一望无际。大熊族酋长的儿子托凯依托(盖文源配音) 长得高大雄伟,精于马术。在白人开设的酒店里,他看见父亲同阴险狡诈的福克斯(戴学庐配音)赌钱,气恼地走开了。老酋长输光了现钱,又从怀里摸出一粒金子,白人大为惊愕,贪婪的目光一起射向酋长的怀里。福克斯蓦地拔出匕首顶住酋长的…