搜索 Rong

  • 28th century, 200 years after the Great Earth Exodus. Naia, a feisty, young singer/songwriter, falls in love with the beautiful saxophonist Parker in Ganymede, one of Jupiter's moons. The two form a band - and now they have to not only make it as musicians but also to fight for their freedom. Dramatically rendered in r…
  • 剧情大概:老头赫尔曼喜好虫子,并与虫子相依为生,有一天市长宣布要没收他的财产,为了报复老头决定将虫子放进他们的食物中让他们吃下去,没想到这些虫子是由赤潮引起的突变生物,吃下它的人都将会变成怪物……以及赫尔曼的奴隶。注:怕虫者请慎看,减肥人士请必看,吃洋垃圾者请无视片子配乐绝对是一大亮点,很欢乐很脑残,配合恶心的食虫情节…
  • 电影少女
  • 随同探险先锋潜入虚无缥缈的漆黑深海二十世纪初期的探险家早已造访了地球上的各个角落,但仍有一处未知的领域等待人们去探索。探险先锋威廉毕比置身于特制的中空“深海探测球"中,首度潜入深达三千尺不为人知的深海世界。在这滴水便可穿骨的强大深海压力下,他将以生命为赌注进行一埸致命的冒险之旅。
  • RHODA, a slender, pale woman in a sensible dress and sensible shoes, is in a state. To describe her as being extremely upset would be an understatement, much like a psychiatrist's saying that someone who is in the process of committing suicide is suffering an anxiety attack. Slang is more accurate. Rhoda is very nearly…
  • "The Festival" is an ensemble comedy, about a young director, Rufus Marquez embarking on his virgin voyage to the prestigious Mountain United Film Festival (M.U.F.F.) His film is "The Unreasonable Truth of Butterflies." The goal is a distribution deal. And the pressure is on. As Rufus attempts to ke…
  • For those of you who want the splendour of the Dark Ages with none of the side effects--scurvy, the Black Death, being burnt at the stake, etc.--then Stronghold might just be the answer. Basically it's a siege sim with some combat and Age of Empires-style resource management thrown in. The game is set at the height of …
  • 谁说拯救世界不会有趣? 一部滑稽温馨,探讨竞争激烈的舞林世界的影片"Razzle Dazzle",讲述了Jonathon舞蹈学校一群蠢蠢欲动地学员在澳大利亚最有声望的舞蹈比赛中获得总决赛胜利的故事……