- RHODA, a slender, pale woman in a sensible dress and sensible shoes, is in a state. To describe her as being extremely upset would be an understatement, much like a psychiatrist's saying that someone who is in the process of committing suicide is suffering an anxiety attack. Slang is more accurate. Rhoda is very nearly…
- 本片改编自德昆西写于1850年代的散文(《康德晚年及其他散文》),展现了康德去世前最后几年的生活。电影聚焦于这位伟大的哲学家那怪异的、强迫性的生活习惯,较少涉及他的哲学思想。全片最戏剧性的情节是,服侍了康德三十年的仆人突然决定离开。