搜索 Rosar

  • A brilliant, but hermetic and hard-living woman discovers an anomalous cosmic force that projects the end of the universe to be a mere two weeks away. The terminal diagnosis for all existence compels her to confront her own fear and isolation, and leads her to pursue another woman who may offer the promise of salvation…
  • 故事发生在意大利南方小城卡斯泰拉内塔的一家小剧场中,一个业余团队在这里排练着一个关于“世界上最性感男星”鲁迪·瓦伦蒂诺的节目。这个节目讲述了鲁迪在好莱坞获得成功之后返回家乡所发生的故事。这部剧的导演的是一个有点“笨手笨脚”的男人,他对鲁迪这个人物有着极大的热情和尊敬。在一次排练中,发生了一件意想不到的事情:一对衣着优雅…
  • 人人都渴望被关注,被爱,Panda Rabbit/熊猫兔也不例外,就因为她的长相和其他小动物太不同,所以连想要找一个能与她促膝聊天的朋友的愿望对她来说,似乎都是那么的遥不可及。没有人会关心她,于是她就像一个孤魂整日整夜地坐在屋里的沙发上,面对着一台毫无生气的电视机打发时间,电视机成了她唯一的“朋友”。随着时间的缓缓推移,熊猫兔感到…
  • The new film Svetlana Baskovoy devoted complex and even paradoxical relationship in the world of academic music.The hero of Alexander Maslaeva embodied the image of the maestro - sort of modern Mozart absorbed by corruption, plagiarism and envy.Once a talented composer, the maestro has long lost his talent and cynicall…
  • Ihrer materiellen Not wegen will sich Anna in der Donau ertränken. Dem arbeitslosen Chauffeur Hans geht es nicht besser, doch er stellt sich ihr in den Weg. Zu zweit fühlen sie sich ihren Existenzsorgen besser gewachsen und gehen fortan al…
  • Die goldene Stadt opened in late November 1942. An anti—Czech melodrama about a country girl who goes to the big or ‘golden’ city (Prague), it loosely belonged to the Heimat genre, in that the city constitutes the ‘other'. Good Germans re…
  • Maria Felix, the archetypical Mexican movie star, plays one of her bad/good girl roles, with elements of the characters played by Joan Crawford, Barbara Stanwyck and even Marlene Dietrich. (she sings a song by her then husband, the famous composer,Augustine Lara). Arturo de Cordova's tortured lover is reminiscent of hi…