搜索 Roseanne

  • Comedian Roseanne Barr embarks on the most off-the-rails presidential campaign in U.S. history. What begins as a political journey becomes a raw and revealing portrait of a comedic icon.
  • Follow the journey of a rebel named Black Wolf who breaks from his pack and survives to be one of the oldest wolves in Yellowstone. He'll travel paved roads most wolves avoid at all costs as he ventures out to mate with a rival pack's females. At nearly twice the age most wolves reach, Black Wolf's unorthodox lifestyle…
  • Growing up in New Zealand, Roseanne was the perfect Chinese daughter. She excelled in piano, ballet and drama, as well as becoming dux of her school. She did everything her parents expected of her, until:1) she fell in love with a white boy called Stephen, and2) decided to make a film about it.The result is Roseanne's …
  • 对于政治世界的阴谋和黑暗,所有的是非标准似乎都会过于武断,而唯一正确的做法或许就是留下声音,让时间做评判。本片是一部英国纪录片,记录了千奇百怪的暗杀方式。这些暗杀都针对一个人——卡斯特罗。卡斯特罗是古巴领导人,他本人曾说自己在各国领导人中是遭暗杀威胁最多的一个。而根据费边·艾斯卡兰特,切·格瓦拉司令安全保卫的总管计算,…
  • 候场室第一季
    Listening in on a group of famous comedians privately riff with one another is usually just a comedy fan's wildest fantasy but viewers will experience this rare event in a new six-episode, half-hour comedy series tentatively titled THE GREEN ROOM slated to premiere in 2010, it was announced today by Robert Greenblatt, …
  • 罗斯安家庭生活第一季
    'Roseanne' is the story of middle class family struggling with life's essential problems: Marriage, Children, Money and Parent's in Law. A classic sitcom, the story circles around the Connor family - a family of five (DJ, Darlene, Becky, Roseanne and Dan). The household's mother, Roseanne, is being accompanied in her q…
  • 奶油公社第一季
    八年前,一场病毒性瘟疫席卷了人类,短短几周,病毒就使99%的男性死亡,剩余 1%被送往新西兰,但最终都没有活下来。就这样女人统治了地球,但是科学家预测,除非人类找到一种方法来摆脱自己的病毒以生产男婴,否则人类将在两代之内灭绝。 在这些有趣的时刻,我们在新西兰诗般的田园弘谷开始我们的故事。 大规模灭绝后的八年里,这里的生活一直…
  • 电视剧
    Season 2 sees Alex (Ally Xue), Jamie (JJ Fong), Pip (Perlina Lau) and male survivor Bobby (Jay Ryan) fleeing rural Hiro Valley and going on an epic road trip to bring Wellness cult leader Lane (Tandi Wright) to justice and uncover the truth about the ‘mandemic.’
  • 电视剧
    In the not too distant future, a viral plague has swept the earth. In a matter of weeks, it decimated 99% of men. The 1% were sent to The Facility in New Zealand but didn't survive. Or did they?