- Josh (Keegan-Michael Key) and Melissa (Cecily Strong) miss the magic they felt in Schmigadoon and in an attempt to return, find themselves in Schmicago—the reimagined world of ’60s and ’70s musicals. The new season will include new origina…
- 一对十二岁的双胞胎男孩 Zack(Dylan Sprouse)和Cody(Cole Sprouse)还有他们的妈妈是这所波斯顿高档Tipton酒店的长期住客。在这里,他们认识了新朋友London(Brenda Song)和Maddie(Ashley Tisdale)。Zack和Cody接二连三的恶作剧把Tipton旅馆变成了他们的游乐场。在搞笑、捣蛋、引发混乱的同时,也带着London和 Maddie疯了一回。Ou…
- From the first moment she kicked a ball, Marinette Pichon's life would revolve around soccer. Although her hometown in rural France didn't have a girls' team, her talent spoke for itself, and staying focused on the ball helped keep Marinette distracted from a toxic home life. As she ages out of the local boys' team she…
- 不善社交的斯塔瑟在他爸爸的房地产中介公司工作。他的父亲即将退休,但斯塔瑟全公司垫底的业绩使他父亲不放心将公司托付给他。为了能继承中介公司,斯塔瑟开始努力帮助客户,提高业绩,可结果却都不尽人意... 2020年#BAFTA#英国电视学院奖---最佳喜剧类剧集、喜剧类最佳男演员:詹米·德米特鲁和喜剧类最佳编剧。
- 该片是电影《Get Smart》(糊涂侦探)的番外篇,影片中的剧情将和《Get Smart》(糊涂侦探)有所交错,而且将加入《Get Smart》(糊涂侦探)的删减片段。影片主要讲述的是冈正顺所扮演的"Control"侦探事务所技术员和内特·特罗伦斯所扮演的一个傻乎乎的分析员的故事...
- 虽然创造了无数令人惊叹的发明,可是华莱士(皮特·塞利斯 Peter Sallis 配音)却面临着入不敷出的窘境。为此,他决定将空置的房间对外出租。不久租客上门,来者是一只沉默冷冰冰的企鹅。某天,华莱士送给狗狗阿高的机器裤子似乎引起了企鹅的注意。此后的日子里,企鹅大献殷勤,令阿高倍感冷落,于是在一个雨夜收拾起行囊离家出走。但阿高意外发…