- The film centres on thirty-something Basile who moves in with his little sister and closest confidant Sarah upon his discharge from hospital. Basile lives with a psychiatric disorder and does his best to re-establish a sense of normality in his work and love life. But how long can he maintain this fragile stability whe…
- 东升社在老大骆驼的重整下声势日盛,而洪兴社在蒋天生(任达华 饰)的管理下亦蒸蒸日上。两个帮派暗中有不少争斗,但表面上两个帮派仍和和气气。\r\n 东升社的乌鸦(张耀杨 饰)野心极大。他在东升社的最大势力所在地荷兰阿姆斯特丹市枪杀蒋天生,再嫁祸于陈浩南(郑伊健 饰)。洪兴社的众人都以为陈浩南勾结外人杀死了蒋天生,派出大飞追…
- 《火线下的江湖大佬》,香港电视广播有限公司拍摄制作的时装喜剧舞狮电视剧,故事背景以舞狮为主,并由郑则士、陈炜、苑琼丹及黄光亮领衔主演,监制梁材远。 陈炜和郑则士是至亚视剧屋企有个肥大佬后再次合作,她亦首次和其娘家昔日演员苑琼丹合作。\r\n 此剧为2016无线节目巡礼之一。
- A musico-drama that takes place in a transvestite cabaret that wants to open up to Ramatuelle. The mayor is enthusiastic but his city council, much less. They will hire henchmen to sabotage the project.
- Raoul and Beatrice’s eyes meet in the Montreal metro. This sets off a chain of events that will affect the whole city. He's a rock star activist on a secret mission, she's a bohemian who wanders the streets at night, handing out books to t…