- Low-budget film about a comedian trying to become a success whilst battling against mental health issues and a drink problem
- Explores a nearly 10-hour interrogation that culminates in a disputed confession, and an intense, high-profile murder trial in New York state. Police video-recordings reveal the complicated psychological dynamic between detectives and their suspect during the long interrogation. Detectives, prosecutors, witnesses, juro…
- Fabienne Bourrier是法国埃罗省Sète岛上的一名女警官,大部分工作时间里她都在寻捕偷渡客,非法劳工和非法劳工。这个常态被一名年轻妓女Olga的死亡所打破。尽管各项证据显示这是一次自杀事件,但Fabienne知道有人在追捕Olga,而且她还有一个儿子Ilan莫名的同情心激发起Fabienne的斗志,她开始寻找那个下落不明的孩子......
- In a future present, a rebellious Veronique finds herself working for an inventor who has dedicated himself to the cause of a positive darkness; he is working to counter the tide of a bright, diffuse, and technologically oriented time as represented in the film by man-made light. Veronique's brother Alix works for an a…
- Spain conquered the seas, found a new world and different realities than the one known in Europe. But a question needed to be answered with what they found in those new territories: do the Indians have souls? The Church, bound to protect and convert the natives and the conquerors who treated them like slaves and though…